Monday, September 6, 2010

Safe Hair Removal

We're obsessed with hair. We want it on our heads, but we want to get rid of it wherever else it is. Shaving, lasers, waxes, creams - how do you know what will work best for what you want to do? Here's the basic run-down of the safest hair removal options.
Laser hair removal is when qualified professionals use a laser to destroy hair follicles. It's important to find out the facts before undergoing laser hair removal, and it can be especially important to find out about anesthetic products and procedures to make sure they are safe and the best products to minimize the pain without negative effects. The FDA recommends that if you use skin-numbing products, you should use the lowest amount of anesthetic possible. Talk to a medical professional about this, as large amounts of skin-numbing can be harmful and even life-threatening, so do your research before using it.
Laser removal is nice because it lasts for a long time, but the side effects can include blistering, temporary discoloration, swelling, and scarring. Remember that as wonderful as laser treatment sounds, it can be painful and harmful.
Needle epilators take a fine wire close to the hair shaft and then take an electric current into the wire and down to the hair follicle, where it destroys the hair root and the hair can be removed with tweezers. This is not so different from medical electrolysis devices, which destroy hair growth with a radio frequency and a probe. It's a permanent hair removal process that destroys the hair follicle completely, but it requires some time and several appointments. If the person performing this process is unqualified, the risks include infection and scarring, but for most, it's a decent option.
Depilatories break down the protein structure of hair and dissolve it into something that can be wiped off. They come as gels, creams, lotions, roll-ons or aerosols, and while generally safe, they should always be used with regard to their instructions and warnings. Most importantly, you should check for allergic reactions before using depilatories all over, and they should never be used for eyebrows or on broken skin. In certain circumstances, they can cause skin peeling, rashes, and other nasty side effects, so use them with caution.
Waxing is different from a depilatory in that, instead of taking the hair off at the surface of the skin, it pulls the hair out of the follicle at it's roots. A layer of melted wax is applied to the skin where it hardens and then is pulled out in the opposite direction of hair growth. Waxes shouldn't be used on eyelashes, noses, ears, or other sensitive areas, but they are generally safe for other areas. Be cautious so that you don't burn yourself, and be prepared for some minor irritation.
An alternative to this method is sugaring, which involves a heated sugar mixture instead of wax.
Shaving is certainly the easiest solution for hair removal, but it also doesn't last as long and can be risky if you aren't careful with the razor. To avoid irritation, shave with the growth of the hair and only when the skin is wet. Shaving creams and gels can help to minimize cuts and irritation, and razors should always be sharp and clean.
Megan is the Web editor for Overstock Drugstore, an online pharmacy that offers great deals and great service on health and beauty products you use every day, including gillette venus divine razors. Overstock Drugstore believes in offering the best products and the best service, including a help line that goes to a person every time. To learn more, visit

Sunday, September 5, 2010

At Last, the Secret to Painless Hair Removal

Is there such a thing as painless hair removal?
There are several types of hair removal products and systems that we can purchase today, but the biggest complaint has always been the pain of removing unwanted hair especially in sensitive areas such as under the arms and the bikini line. There are a few painless hair removal systems but most of them are expensive and time consuming.
Shaving is the most popular hair removal system because it is totally painless. It is very easy and does not cost a lot in supplies. But, you will have to shave every other day to keep your skin smooth. Waxing is another method that many women use, but this hair removal system can be very painful. Plucking the unwanted hair is also an alternative, but this take time.
Electrolysis has become popular among some women but it is also a painful experience. Electrolysis requires multiple sessions in order to achieve the desired hair removal results. Several women also use an anesthetic to aid with the pain. Laser hair removal is the most popular for hair removal which is still painful. Some only complain of a heat sensation, while others feel a type of bee sting. Both of these methods are very expensive and time consuming.
The most economical way for a painless hair removal system is by using epilators. Well, let's say not quite completely painless but better than any of the other options!
Epilators are now designed for a reduction in pain while ridding even your most sensitive areas of unwanted hair. The hair will be removed by tweezer type discs that will pull the hair by the root. This is done very quickly while holding your skin taunt for less pain. This is the fastest and most economic way to rid your body of unwanted hair and is almost painless hair removal.
As a beauty consultant Nicola Kennedy is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for the Best Resources, Views and Information to help you choose the Best Epilator for you.
Copyright © All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is Laser Hair Removal Occam's Razor?

In the hands of a skilled practitioner laser hair removal is a rather simple and long lasting procedure. If we interpret the words of William Occam: "Why repeat a difficult task, when there is a more simple solution?" Since the 14th century, this popular theorem has been known as Occam's Razor. So why spend a lifetime shaving, when you could keep it simple. When it comes to unwanted hair removal, Occam's Razor is laser hair removal.
You could keep shaving or waxing, but why would you? Perhaps the means should be the end. -- Such is the theorem suggested by Occam.
Before laser hair removal, removing unwanted hair meant either having to endure pain and irritation and/or spending a lifetime utilizing temporary, less than satisfactory measures. For years, the suggested alternative was electrolysis, a laborious process whereby an electric shock needle literally burns hair follicles one at a time. Waxing and shaving, while quicker than electrolysis do not offer permanent hair removal and require a lifetime of self-service. Advances in laser technology have spawned a new solution to an age-old problem -- removal of unwanted hair.
Risks associated with laser hair removal treatment are low when compared to most medical procedures. No incisions, injections or oral medications are necessary. The variability of laser hair removal results has everything to do with the equipment quality, the technique used, and the competency of the laser operator. The most common interference with successful laser hair removal is "tanned skin." Guests at Ideal Image are reminded and warned repeatedly to not tan while receiving laser hair removal. If a suntan were to go unnoticed a patient could develop "skin circles" after treatment. Although temporary, they require 3 to 6 months to fade. Unlike competitors in the field of laser hair removal, Ideal Image has never been sued for medical malpractice.
After resolving their safety concerns, most people wonder about the cost of laser hair removal. In the long run, laser hair removal is considerably more cost-effective than electrolysis and other methods like waxing or shaving.
Considering time, cost and inconvenience of waxing, shaving, purchasing razors, creams, depilatories, etc., laser hair removal can be more practical.
To make a fair comparison, one must compare the time and cost savings of laser hair removal with methods that are less efficient and offer less permanent hair removal.
  • SHAVING: The average person spends 1 hour per week shaving. When all totaled, that is the equivalent of 1.5 working weeks per year, only to elicit less than satisfactory results, possible razor burn, razor-bumps and the ever-present five o'clock shadow from dark hairs showing beneath the skin.
  • COST OF WAXING VS. LASER HAIR REMOVAL: One bikini wax has an average cost of $43 and often only lasts one month. If you compare this to the Ideal Image monthly payment plan for bikini line or Brazilian procedure, the cost-effectiveness of laser hair removal is apparent. Although cost may vary per location, the national average for financing bikini line laser hair removal is $35 per month. The "Full Brazilian" is $44 per month.

CHOOSING THE RIGHT LASER FOR LASER HAIR REMOVALL.A.S.E.R., or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, refers to the radiation of light beams, and is not to be confused with harmful ionizing or nuclear radiation. Lasers produce one wavelength of focused light. This differs from sunlight, which has many wavelengths (and is evident in the colors of a rainbow). Laser light is amplified, making it more powerful than light produced by typical light sources. For laser hair removal this focused and amplified light is pulsed on and off for an instant. This is not to be confused with IPL, Intense Pulsed Light that is not laser and can easily burn the skin.
Lasers were first introduced to treat medical disease in the early 1970's. The first laser used for hair removal was the Ruby (694nm), introduced in 1995. The theory behind laser hair removal was developed at Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine at Harvard. The Ruby Laser could only be used on fair-skinned individuals. Thus, lasers were developed offering 3 more wavelengths - 755nm, 810nm, and 1064nm, making it possible to customize laser hair removal for various skin tone and hair types.
Lasers work by heating up a target. For laser hair removal, the target is hair just under the skin. At centers specializing in purely laser hair removal - like Ideal Image, it is important to have both the 755nm Alexandrite and the 1064nm YAG lasers by Candela Corporation. The combination of FDA-approved lasers allow treatment for all skin types, from light or fair skin, to dark black skin types. The most versatile laser and primary laser used at Ideal Image is the Candela 755nm. It produces a 3-millisecond pulse targeting the color in the hair shaft, thus damaging the structure supporting the hair root. Lacking a supportive structure, the hair falls out. In all likelihood, it will not re-grow. Candela medical lasers are so selective; they can remove black ink from a white page without burning the white paper. In summary, they selectively destroy hair, leaving the skin undamaged. Candela lasers continually prove to offer the most comfortable service, while producing the most favorable results.
Dr. Richard Mikles is co-founder of Ideal Image Laser Hair Removal and Ideal Image Development Corp (IIDC). He supervised and substantially participated in the research, development and implementation of a complete systems model for a Signature Laser Hair Removal service. Using these methods, he later co-partnered to establish Ideal Image Development Corp. IIDC developed into one of the largest nationally known laser hair removal franchises. Instrumental in establishing best practice protocol for the industry, Dr. Mikles is categorically the nation's leading expert on laser hair removal business operational systems. Thus, he authored the manual delineating proper laser technique and clinic operating procedures used by Ideal Image. Bringing over 20 years experience in clinical practice, research, management and development, Dr. Mikles is now a principal executive board member of IIDC. He is determined to maintain and to continually better the high quality standards he helped establish for Ideal Image Laser Hair Removal.

Facial Hair Removal For Women Update

Some women have unwanted hair on their faces which can cause quite an embarrassment for them. Most cultures consider heavy facial hair on women not that attractive, because this can make women look less feminine. This common notion about women's facial hair makes a lot of women look for removal methods, which can help them improve their looks.
There are several methods of facial hair removal for women that can either give temporary or permanent results. Depending on the result that you want to achieve, you can consider these common methods and choose the one you think will work best:
Temporary Facial Hair Removal Methods
Three of the most common temporary hair removal methods are shaving, using tweezers or waxing. Not a lot of women would prefer to shave their facial hair, as they find it either messy or difficult. Many women also believe that frequent shaving will make the hair grow harder the next time, and can also cause bumps on the skin.
Using tweezers may be time consuming and may be quite painful. It may result to redness and skin bumps as well. Women usually use tweezers to shape their eyebrows, but not frequently to remove hair on the upper lip or the chin.
The most common temporary method of removing facial hair among women is waxing. By using cloth strips with wax which are placed on either the eyebrows, upper lip or the chin, hair and some dead skin cells on these areas get attached to the strips, which will then be pulled quickly, leaving the skin hairless and smooth.
All these temporary hair removal methods only remove hair on the skin, and not the roots of the hair, which means it will regrow again in a matter of days.
Permanent Facial Hair Removal Methods
For women who either don't have the time to constantly deal with unwanted facial hair, permanent removal may be a better option. Although these methods may seem expensive at first, there are some savings that can result from no longer having to pay shaving creams and wax trips.
Electrolysis is one of the most common permanent removal methods. By inserting an "epilator" into each hair follicle, electrical impulses destroy the hair and its roots, which will hinder the hair from growing back. Although a bit time consuming, because the hair follicle is targeted one at a time, the process results to a more permanent facial hair removal than the other methods above.
Laser facial hair removal uses light that gets into the hair follicle, where it is changed into heat that destroys the hair roots. The procedure is relatively painless, and can produce permanent hair removal results.
Although there are not a lot of risks and side effects associated with both electrolysis and laser hair removal, it is still best to talk to a licensed dermatologist who can help you decide which permanent hair loss removal method is best for you. Make sure to choose a reputable dermatologic clinic that can perform any of the procedures you choose in a safe, sterile environment.
For more useful information about Hair removal go to:
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